Create mini scented sachets vigorous in black and white printed fabrics. Or for a luxurious touch create sachets in black and white satin or silk and give one of each color to your guests, bound together with some ribbon.

Take 3d motion multi directional the things that interest you. Are they typical mens' interests - sport, hobbies like fishing or model making, that sort of thing? Do they figure largely in your conversation? Have previous attempts with women failed because you talked about what interests you without finding out what interests them?
Actively participate in the interview. Make eye contact, lean forward to show interest, nod your head, and smile when appropriate. Participating actively in an interview helps you establish a rapport with your interviewer. Try to find a common ground with your interviewer. People like to hire people with whom they are comfortable and with whom they have a rapport. And finally, be upbeat and personable without being overly familiar.
Either way there's really no wrong or right way. Even though our body produces some naturally as we age less is made therefore it is important to find ways to increase drinks rotational enzymes into our system.
I was happily married at the time, although problems were surfacing between my wife and I because of my alcohol consumption. I also had two absolutely wonderful children who meant the world to me. Finally, we, too, separated because she couldn't handle my drinking anymore.
My recovery has taken me down some magnificent roads, and I have accomplished quite a bit of internal work thus far. If you're a twelve stepper (something I never was), I cannot stress how important your family of origin work is. It is there, deep within the repressed recesses of childhood where many important answers lie as to who and what you are or what you have become. Only by dealing with the underlying reasons why you are dependent on any form of substance will you actually become free from using them. I wish you well on your journey.